The three things I did to turn my idea into an offer I am excited about

Carolina Chanis
2 min readMay 31, 2022


For two years, I was posting about my experience with perfectionism and impostor syndrome on Instagram, but I was not getting closer to launching the course I had in mind.

The three key things that finally moved the needle for me were:

1. Understanding how to write for social media

This was a lightbulb moment for me. Learning how to write about my experience in a way that is not a “me, me, me” story finally helped me uncover the essence of my message, and it helped me clarify the connection between my experience as a marketer and as a recovering perfectionist.

2. Developing my own system to create content

This is the best advice I can give to an overthinker — ADD CONSTRAINTS. Perfectionists go down rabbit holes of knowledge before they feel ready to create. To keep myself from spinning in the same place, I need to add constraints that will help me focus. This starts with my co-working hours and the system I’ve set up to write and plan content.

3. Doing the emotional work to change the stories I had about loving and accepting myself.

I don’t care how you are doing your marketing right now — if it’s you or if you are paying someone else, your strategy will be a flop if you are not taking care of the stories that tell you what you can/cannot do, what you should/should not do, etc.

These stories have an impact on your business in ways that you won’t be able to predict.

I didn’t need new brand colors or a catchy name. I needed to deal with my anger, my misfit wounds, my fear of vulnerability and learn how to love myself when I self-sabotage.

By focusing on these three things I was finally able to turn a vague idea into a plan that I am excited about, and I am starting to show up in a way that feels good, safe and FUN. For the next 90 days, I will be promoting one thing only — I am turning my content planning and creation method into a workshop! The first workshop is on June 11th — register at:

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Carolina Chanis

I write about the emotional courage it takes to start a thing…from the lens of an extreme perfectionist